Mussoorie By Air
Nearest airport is Jollygrant which is 60 km away from Mussoorie and is situated in Dehradun. Jollygrant airport, Dehradun is connected to Delhi airport. Taxi services are available from airport to Mussoorie and it costs about Rs 1500. Delhi is the nearest international airport which is 270 km away. Delhi is well connected to all major cities in India and many cities abroad.Airports near Mussoorie | Type | Aerial Distance |
Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradun (DED) | Domestic | 14 km |
Shimla Airport (SLV) | Domestic | 132 km |
Indira Gandhi Intl Airport, Delhi (DEL) | International | 223 km |
Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai (BOM) | International | 1393 km |
Mussoorie By Rail
The nearest railwaystation is located in Dehradun, 34 km from Mussoorie. It connects Dehradun to important cities like Delhi, Bombay, Amritsar, Varanasi and Lucknow. Shatabdi Express is the most convenient option, if you plan your trip from Delhi to Dehradun by train.
Mussoorie By Bus
Mussoorie is well connected with excellent bus services of state public bus services Uttaranchal State Transport Corporation. From Dehradoon and from other major cities in India private bus services are available to Mussoorie and fare is about Rs 3 to 4 per kilometer. Mussoorie is connected with Delhi (270 km), Nainital (355 km), Dehradun (60 km) and Garwal (135 km) by private tourist bus services.Hotels in Mussoorie

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